First Time Grandma

Tales of a first time Grandma who has been waiting for this moment!!

Location: Ashtabula, Ohio, United States

Mother of seven children. Four girls: Melinda, Adria, Jessica, Lauren. Three boys: Matthew, Christopher, Alexander. My Family is my life!

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Today's the Day??!!

Well this could be it! Jessi's due date WAS March 27th. It has come and gone. Today she will be induced and, God willing, I will be a Grandma by the end of today!! I think I am in shock. I have so many thought swirling in my head, but I am unable to express them all.

At this point, with Jessi and Dan at the hospital now, all I can do is hope and pray for a safe and quick delivery. And a healthy grandbaby and new Mommy. Oh yeah, I hope Dan can make it through without passing out! Just kidding Dan.

I will let you know how everything works out. Keep them all in your prayers!