First Time Grandma

Tales of a first time Grandma who has been waiting for this moment!!

Location: Ashtabula, Ohio, United States

Mother of seven children. Four girls: Melinda, Adria, Jessica, Lauren. Three boys: Matthew, Christopher, Alexander. My Family is my life!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Homecoming 2007

Helena's Tea Party

So here's the latest news: Jessi, Helena, AND MATT are coming home for a week.

Matt has never flown before, but he seems really excited. I can't wait to see him!

He left for Arizona in October, 2006 and hasn't been home until now.

He was accepted into a school in AZ that teaches you how to make custom guitars.


So they will be flying into Cleveland on Saturday June 16th and leaving on Sunday June 24th.

Sunday the girls will be going out to celebrate Adria's Birthday.

(I get Matt and the Baby to myself!)

Sunday is Father's Day, and they will be spending the day with their father's family.

The rest of us will be at the campgrounds with Rob and Sal (FIL & MIL)
The rest of the week is still up in the air.

But on Friday June 22nd we will be having a picnic at Lakeshore Park for anyone that would like to come and visit. Bring FOOD!
More details to follow.

All tired out!

I can't wait to hug them all!!!!

Helena was home in April with Dan, her Dad.
I had her for two of the days.
She even went to school with me to help!

Following are some pics.

Note the good habits her uncles are teaching her!At school with Grandma

Uncle Chris and Helena under the blanket


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