First Time Grandma

Tales of a first time Grandma who has been waiting for this moment!!

Location: Ashtabula, Ohio, United States

Mother of seven children. Four girls: Melinda, Adria, Jessica, Lauren. Three boys: Matthew, Christopher, Alexander. My Family is my life!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

OK so it's been a while.....

OK so it's been a while...Life gets away from you some times. Helena was born April 2nd. Healthy and beautiful! What do doctors know, anyway. Some thing are just out of our hands.

She is now 20 months old. And probably the smartest toddler ever born! Not that I am prejudiced or anything. How about potty training herself!

Well since the last post, they have been here to Ohio a couple of times and we (me and Chris and Alex) have been to Arizona twice. Adria came along once with us. A lot has happened since then. Some of which I get into at a later time. This post is about Christmas 2006.

Christmas 2006
Not our typical holiday. With seven kids, everyone home makes things a little crazy. (Just a little??!!) But this year, Jessi could not come home with Helena. Last year EVERYONE was here. And to make matters worse, Matt has moved out to Arizona too. That makes three of my family not home for Christmas. It weighs heavy on my heart! Plus Jessi was not sure how much she would have under the tree for Helena. Money is tight. (Note to self: Stay off the Target website while you are on the phone with your daughter who is lamenting the lack of presents for your granddaughter under the tree.) Needless to say, there was plenty under the tree for all three of them. And while it helped me to feel somewhat better, I still missed them terribly!

We spent most of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day on speakerphone. Helena got to hear me read The Polar Express and The Night Before Christmas. I got to hear Matt make comments about "nougat" and "breast" from the stories. They got to hear Adria and Alex fight. All in all a typical not-so-typical Christmas.

That's all for now. I am off to try to connect my new webcam so I can see my daughter, son and, most of all, my beautiful, brilliant granddaughter more often.

P.S. Alex is already planning his spring break to Arizona. Donations accepted!


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